"ООО "Судебная экспертиза»- Победитель международного форума "Инновациии и развитие-2015" в номинации лучшее экспертное предприятие РФ тел. +7-9184418336, sydekspert@mail.ru, Краснодарский край, Анапа, ул. Краснозеленых № 29/12 каб. 3, Николай Рерих

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We search for patrons of art on release of books and newspapers

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Dear sirs!
I Roerich Nikolay Vladimirovich was born and I live in Russia. I publish the improving newspaper «immortality Secrets» on donations. You can find in the Internet about me all information. I have started to let out the newspaper «we Build today!» About building of more perfect society and future medicine. I write books, but there are no means for their edition. For example, I write books about атлантах both travel to space and other measurements. In Russia the people are finished to poverty and to it not to newspapers, books and magazines. All first of all buy to eat. Therefore I am compelled to extend the newspapers and my book about Russian mafia «Thieves' сходняк» is free. I want to shoot a film about the future of mankind and its place in the Universe. I address to all who can help money or direct participation in the edition of my books and shooting of films on their plots. The inquiries and offers I ask to direct on bessmertie2008@mail.ru
Yours faithfully Nikolay Roerich

Теги: patrons charity books newspapers Roerich Nikolay


Уважаемый господин / уважаемая госпожа
Мы рады получить от вас подробную информацию о вашей деятельности. Группа российских газет "Строим сегодня!  готова рекламировать вас и вашу продукцию на территории России. Наши цены великолепны для вас. Готовы принять от вас спонсорскую помощь взамен пропаганды вашей продукции в России.
С уважением главный редактор Николас Рерих
http://www.bessmertie.ucoz.ru  http://today.okis.ru/ http://rerih.0pk.me http://today.build2.ru/  http://bessmertie2007.mybb2.ru  Группа российских газет "Строим сегодня!
Dear sir / the dear madam
We are glad to receive from you the detailed information on your activity. Group of the Russian newspapers "we Build today! It is ready to advertize you and your production in territory of Russia. Our prices are magnificent for you. Are ready to accept from you the sponsor's help instead of propagation of your production in Russia.
Yours faithfully editor-in-chief Nicolas Roerich
http://www.bessmertie.ucoz.ru  http://today.okis.ru/ http://rerih.0pk.me http://today.build2.ru/  http://bessmertie2007.mybb2.ru  Группа российских газет "Строим сегодня!

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